Wall Magazine


It is a beautiful medium of student’s expression because students can display their artistic works, any piece of interesting and informative news or anything they want to share with their fellow students in the wall magazine. Wall magazine named “DARPAN” enables us in encompassing not only the present-day curriculum’s non-scholastic aspect but also has its emphasis on the development of the learners. Girijananda Chowdhury Institute of Pharmaceutical Science (GIPS) laid an effort upon the development of all possible non-scholastic aspects. As a result of which the wall magazine named “DARPAN” has been published twice every year. It is an attempt made where an opportunity is provided for the upliftment, recognition, and inspirational motivation to the students in literary development.


  • To build a systematic mental state among the learners.
  • To constantly endeavour in the clarity of the handwriting and making them conscious regarding spellings.
  • To draw the learner’s interest towards artistic works.
  • To enable them in building a cooperative and collaborative learning situation.
  • To inspire the learners by the publish of their own writings and drawings.
  • To enable the learners to know the utility of colours.
  • To draw the eagerness towards tender and delicate arts.
  • To ensure joyful and fruitful learning among the learners.
  • To enable them building a friendly attitude along with the teacher.
  • To bring a sense of inspiration in creative activity among the learners.
  • To enable the learners in growing their concentration.
  • To eradicate youth diversion among the learners by systematic mental thinking.
  • To inspire the young generation in being peaceful.
  • To build up a pleasant environment amongst the school encompassing the natural, cultural, all-round environment of the school.
  • To enable in building an emotional bound of the society with the school and will also help in growing and inspiring the artistic taste among the learners.


  • To provide opportunity to the students for self-expression in written form.
  • To develop and cultivate in students the literary taste and study habits.


  • The purpose of the wall magazine is to be “a device to induce people to read any important message.”
  • Wall magazine often reflects the image of the educational institution through the articles presented by the students
  • Wall magazines are great way to encourage the creativity in students which makes them effectively utilize language for conveying ideas
  • It also helps the students to do research on topics before making the copy to be published in the magazine